Sunday, May 4, 2014

Interview with Tony Kinnett

Tony Kinnett is a student a Maranatha Baptist University. He has some background in the tech field and is a born again believer of Jesus Christ.

What is your background in the technology field?

I have always been really interested in computers. At the age of two I got a windows computer from my grandma and I would mess around with it for a good portion of the day. As I grew older I taught myself as much as I could until a friend of mine, that is currently a Junior at MIT, brought me under his wing. He taught me everything that I know. I have worked for two technological social media networks, a freelance code debugger and programer and worked with a couple major gaming companies.

How has your knowledge in this field given you opportunity for witness? 

There are a lot of oppurtunities to witness. Being a moderator at different sites gave me a oppertunity to witness to those for Christ. Also, being able to help those I was assisting or helping gave me a chance to witness on the field.

In what ways have you used your knowledge in ministry?

Christian schools and churches have always been behind in the technology and science field. Its very easy to help a church in this way and that's something that I like doing. Whether it be helping at the IT department at my school or other churches, its great being able to use my in the ministry where God has given me talent in.

How has this area of expertise helped grow your faith?

As in any medium that could grow your faith there will be times when you can't comprehend what your should be doing. You have to rely in the Lord's guidance in that situation. There also will be times when I had to interact with someone that I didn't want to or work for a company that I did not want to but the Lord gave me strength to persevere.

What would you tell someone trying to keep their church up to date in tech?

It will be a challenge. One of the biggest struggles of the modern fundamentalist movements is a phobia for technology. Churches think that if we bring in technology we would be turning into a contemporary church. I would approach it as updating the church to bring about more efficient means of spreading the gospel.

Any further advise?

You can come under a lot of temptation and a lot of fire in this field. Anyone who is pursuing a interest in the technological field should always have a watchful mind and a watchful heart. Always stay constant in your walk of faith.


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